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UACA in the News

Star Community Newspaper, By Aja Beech - March 22, 2017 


UACA held our first Pysanky Workshop on March 11-12 attended by 20 members and neighbors. Check out this great article sharing how sis­ters Olga Galaj Gonza­lez, Maria Wikar­czak, Stephanie Chris­ti­an, and Lesia Rich­man taught the class on the art of Ukrainian egg dec­or­at­ing, and hope to continue passing it down from gen­er­a­tion to gen­er­a­tion.

Read the full article here.

Philadelphia NBC10 News - January 26, 2014


A few UACA Board of Directors were honored to welcome the organizers and participants of the demonstration in Philadelphia - the "Automaidan" - through our doors and to share the experience of spreading the much needed awareness of the recent events in our beloved Ukraine on local news channel NBC 10.  View the news story here.

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© Ukrainian American Citizens' Association

How to Reach Us

847 N. Franklin Street

Philadelphia, PA 19123


Members Bar Phone:

(215) 627-8790


Rental Phone: (484) 601-2866

Email: UACA@ukieclub.com

Members Bar:                 Hours of Operation







Wednesday 6pm - Close

Thursday: 6pm - Close

Friday: 6pm - Close

Saturday: 4pm - Close

Sunday: 12pm - Close


Ukrainian Pierogie Kitchen Open Sundays in the Hall!


Sunday: 9am - 1pm